We're trying out a new thing at my venue, Prompt Creative Centre. We're doing a regular open mic cabaret afternoon and you're invited (on stage and in the audience!)
Life is a Collabaret, old chum! Come to the Collabaret on Sunday 4 August from 3-5pm and see a collaboration of the elements: dramatic, sultry, comical, musical and visual.
Our new Open Mic Collabaret series is headlined by an industry professional, and supported by an open mic lineup of artists trying out new stuff, rehashing old stuff, testing out brand spankin' material, or braving the elements for their maiden stage voyage.
Join the Prompt Creative team in a showcase of eclectic arts and entertainment - you can even grab a mic and take the stage if you feel inspired!
ARTISTS: Head to Prompt Creative's website to sign up/express your interest: https://forms.gle/iBXrP2QUz8Ea2jHZ7
We are looking for cabaret, musical comedy, comedy, burlesque, storytelling.
Collaborative cabaret at its finest, Collabaret is set to tease, tantalise and tackle your tastebuds. Come taste the wine, come hear the band. Come get involved! Right this way, your table's waiting...
Prompt Creative Centre
8/205 Pirie Street Adelaide
Sunday 4 August
Tickets $10.
Book here: https://www.trybooking.com/CTAOD
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